The Pacific Plant Biosecurity Partnership (PPBP)


Since our last update the program has finished its first phase and is now being co-funded by the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) and The Crawford Fund in addition to the main funding provided by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR).

All Fellows of the partnership have completed their fives weeks of Australian placements as part of the first phase of the 2 year program. These five weeks consisted of:


A Biosecurity training and market access simulations designed and run by Dr. Sabine Perrone of BioSecurity and AgriSystems Protection (BSASP) and Mr. Bill Magee


Placements in Australian host organisations that addressed the specific needs identified by the National Plant Protection Organisations and the individual Fellows. This included placements with Plant Health Australia; New South Wales Department of Primary Industries; Department of Agriculture and Water Resources; Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries; Victorian Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions; Murdoch University; Northern Territory Department of Primary Industries and Resources; CSIRO; AusVeg and AgriBio


A communication master class designed and run by The Crawford Fund and Econnect. This course design focuses on improving plant biosecurity professional’s ability to communicate and advocate for plant biosecurity measures to a broad range of stakeholders.

To learn more about the program click here